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At Life & Light, we are all a part of something bigger than us...

Advancing The Kingdom,

Reaching The World.

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When it comes to churches we know that they are many to choose from.

At Life & Light church our hope is that you might have one of the most meaningful, life changing experiences ever. You will encounter God in real ways through worship and messages from the bible that apply to your life, a safe and fun filled environment for your children and a welcoming people committed to living life together without being "religious."


You don't have to dress up or clean up your act to belong at Life & Light.

Just come as you are and we'll do our best to help you take your next steps on your journey toward knowing God and fulfilling His purpose for your life.

But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature...


For the Lord see not as man sees: man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."  1Samuel  16:7

Come As You Are!!

Church for people who don't "do" Church

Looking For A Church Home? Welcome Home!


Be A Part of What God's doing At Life &Light!  

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2751 Manvel Rd.

Pearland, TX 77584

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   …a yielded life to the Almighty is the secret to Holy living

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